The calendar may say April but Mother Nature is sending out winter on top with fresh snow for ski areas in the Adirondacks and Catskills. Below are new snow amounts as of this morning, April 4th. We will have an update for near final snow amounts Friday. You will want to get out and take advantage of this fresh snow ASAP!
Belleayre Mountain - 7 inches - Open Now
Catamount - 4 inches - Re-opening Friday
Gore Mountain - 15 inches - Open Now
Hunter Mountain - 6 inches - Open Now
Lapland Lake Ski Center - 11 inches - Open Now
Mt. Van Hoevenberg - 4 inches - Open Now
Royal Mountain - 7 inches - Re-opening Friday
West Mountain received new snow too - Re-opening Saturday
Whiteface Mountain - 10 inches - Open Now
Photo by Gore Mountain