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The 2024-25 SKI NY Free for Kids Passport Program

For 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders

We have concluded accepting applications for the 2024-25 Ski Season and we thank everyone who participated in the program!

2025-26 Passport Program applications will be accepted starting in October of 2025. 

To be put on our notification list send an email to requesting that. We will notify you when the application portal opens in October.

Please note if you have the 2024-25 Passport it expires at the end of the season and you will need to re-apply if your child is still eligible for the program.

2024-25 Participating Ski Areas

2024-25 Participating Ski Areas in PDF Format Here

Belleayre Mountain - Highmount - 845-254-5600 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. No reservations needed – but parent must have a ticket to the mountain that is valid.  Either purchased on our e-commerce site or they have a Belleayre season pass.

Bristol Mountain - Canandaigua - 585-374-6000 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. Requires a re-loadable Bristol Mountain RFID Card. If guest doesn’t have a Bristol Mountain RFID card, one may be purchased for $5 at time of redemption. Card may then be re-loaded in the future.

Buffalo Ski Center - Colden - 716-941-5654 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). 

Catamount - Hillsdale - 413-528-1262 - Not Valid During Holiday Periods - Christmas Week (12/26/24-1/1/25, MLK Weekend (1/18-1/20/25), Presidents Week (2/15-2/23/25). 

Dry Hill Ski Area - Watertown - 315-782-8584 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Four Seasons - Fayetteville - 315-637-9023 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). 

Gore Mountain - North Creek - 518-251-2411 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. No reservations needed – but parent must have a ticket to the mountain that is valid.  Either purchased on our e-commerce site or they have a Gore season pass.

Greek Peak Mountain Resort - Cortland - 800-955-2754 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. Greek Peak Account Required and Reservations Strongly Recommended - Details at

Holiday Mountain - Monticello - 845-796-3161 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Holiday Valley Resort - Ellicottville - 716-699-2345 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Hunt Hollow Ski Club - Naples - 585-374-5428 - Accepted weekdays only - no weekends. Accepted during the week on holiday breaks too.

Kissing Bridge - Colden - 716-592-4963 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Labrador Mountain - Truxton - 607-842-6204 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). Season Passes and SKI NY Gold Pass not accepted for redemption.  A full-price 8-hour adult lift ticket must be purchased.  3rd party tickets not accepted/ 

Lapland Lake Nordic Vacation Center - Northville - 518-863-4974 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

McCauley Mountain - Old Forge - 315-369-3225 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Mountain Creek Resort - Vernon NJ - 973-827-2000 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). Mountain Creek limits daily ticket sales. To redeem the Passport please reach out to the Mountain Creek guest services team via chat or You will need your passport number (16 digit number found on the passport e-card you received in email) and proof of qualifying adult ticket purchase. 48 hours advanced notice is requested as tickets can sell out during peak times.

Mount Peter - Warwick - 845-986-4940 – Not valid MLK Day(1/20/25) and President’s Day(2/17/25)

Mt. Pisgah - Saranac Lake - 518-891-0970 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Mt. Van Hoevenberg XC - Lake Placid - 518-523-2811 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. Parent must have a ticket to the mountain that is valid.  Either purchased on our e-commerce site or they have a Mt. Van Hoevenberg season pass.

Oak Mountain - Speculator - 518-548-3606 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). Adult lift ticket for redemption must be purchased at the ticket window.

Peek 'n Peak Resort - Clymer - 716-355-6614 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). 

Plattekill Mountain - Roxbury - 607-326-3500. Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). 

Skaneateles Ski Club - Marietta - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. An adult individual pass must be purchased for redemption.

Snow Ridge Resort - Turin - 315-348-8456 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Song Mountain - Tully - 315-696-5711 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). Season Passes and SKI NY Gold Pass not accepted for redemption.  A full-price 8-hour adult lift ticket must be purchased.  3rd party tickets not accepted.

Swain Resort - Swain - 607-545-6511 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods.

Thunder Ridge - Patterson - 845-878-4100 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). 

Titus Mountain - Malone - 800-848-8766 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). 

West Mountain - Queensbury - 518-636-3699 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). Requires a purchase of a re-loadable West Mountain RFID Card. If guest doesn’t have a West Mountain RFID card, one may be purchased for $6 at time of redemption. Card may then be re-loaded in the future.

Whiteface Mountain - Wilmington - 518-946-2223 - Accepted anytime including holiday periods. No reservations needed – but parent must have a ticket to the mountain that is valid.  Either purchased on our e-commerce site or they have a Whiteface season pass.

Windham Mountain Club - Windham - 800-754-9463 - Not valid during holiday periods - Christmas week (12/26/24-1/1/25), MLK Weekend(1/18 - 1/20/25) and President’s week (2/15 - 2/23/25). Requires a re-loadable Windham Mountain Resort RFID Card. If guest doesn’t have a Windham RFID card, one may be purchased for $5 at time of redemption. Card may then be re-loaded in the future.
