☀️?Join us THIS FRIDAY for our second to last Summer Music Series concert of the season - presented by Claverack Well and Pump Service! This week The Tom Prettys return to Catamount. The Tom Prettys always put on an excellent show when they are here, so bring your lawn chairs or blankets and soak in the music as they play on our brand new stage. We'll be serving delicious food and drinks, plus there will be a FREE raffle for all attendees with some great prizes by our sponsors!
?Aug 16th: The Tom Prettys?
The Tom Prettys hails as the only all-female Tom Petty tribute band. Although they may be pretty, they also rock harder than Tom himself usually did, while still preserving the timeless essence of Tom Petty’s iconic songs. The band delivers each show with an energy and passion that leaves audiences shouting for more – the “Prettys” are just that much fun to watch, sing along with and dance to.
All Summer Music Series concerts will be on our new stage. This stage is built at the bottom of one of our lower ski trails (just above the base area) facing uphill. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and come take in the music in our very own natural amphitheater!