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Oak Mountain Sunrise

Costumes Ready?

This is the weekend for F-U-N!!! Sadly we see our season coming to a close. Due to the warm temperatures and unfavorable precipitation forecasted we will only be open Saturday for Skiing & Riding.  The weekend weather looks fantastic, though and we will be serving up some amazing corn snow and sunny skies for the Pondskimming.  Thank you so much to our sponsors, Alpin Haus and Avalanche! Pack your sunscreen, layers and join us for Pondskimming at 1pm and Retro Day! . 

Yes, Pondskimming and Retro Day, is this Saturday, March 22nd at 1pm! It's the best event of the year. Dress in your pond clothes (costumes encouraged) and try your luck in Matt O'Brien's version of a swimming pool on your skis or snowboard! Ages 12 & Older. NO Entry fee and only 50 entries allowed for this one. Registration will begin at 8:30am. At time of registration, we will ask for your song choice... DJ2T will be here playing during the event! The Pond Skimming is located right in the base area, spectators be sure to bring your cameras! 

Later, join us in the Acorn, Saturday for some Aprés Ski to hear the music of The Altered Tones from 2:00pm - 5:00pm. They play music from The Tragically Hip, Alice In Chains and Pearl Jam. At 5:00 pm  DJ2T switches it up with some karaoke. Come by the Acorn to join in the fun and eat some great food after a  day of skiing and riding!

Skiing & Riding Hours
Saturday 9am-4pm ( This will be our final day of the season )

Snow Tubing 
Closed for the season

We hope to see you soon,
The O'Briens

Oak Mountain Kids

Make it easy on yourself! and avoid any lines. Buy your tickets NOW!

Oak Mountain Events

Weekend Events!

It's the best weekend of the season!  Get ready for our Pondskimming and Retro Day this Saturday, March 22 at 1pm. DJ2T will be playing during the Pondskimming and for Karaoke after the Altered Tones! 

Acorn Pub & Eatery Food

What's Happening In The Acorn:

What could be better than a great day of skiing? Staying for Aprés ski! Joins us Saturday at The Acorn Pub & Eatery for some Aprés fun and enjoy the music of The Altered Tones from 2pm-5:00pm. At 5:30pm DJ2T switches it up with some Karaoke and will play until we close. Come and  join in the fun after a great day of skiing and riding with friends and family. There are numerous options for the hungry skier or rider. 

Thank you Wildline for this amazing photo!

Acorn Hours:
Thursday: Mex-Econo Night 4pm - 8pm
Friday: 4pm - 8pm
Saturday: 11am - close ( we will be serving food until 4:30pm )

Video of Skier

Molly the Dog

Staying Hydrated and Energized

Drink Water: Skiing is a strenuous activity, and staying hydrated is key to maintaining focus and energy levels.

Snacks: Pack high-energy snacks like granola bars or trail mix to keep your energy up during the day.

Wedding Couple

We are now booking weddings for the 2026! Oak Mountain is located in a place where everyone embraces the outdoors. It's setting is remarkable; with a combination of the Adirondack Mountains, gorgeous views and amazing lakes. If it's spring, summer, fall or winter that you choose to get married in, we have different venue choices to create the perfect setting for your special day. Please e-mail Laura O'Brien for details or to book your spot. We will make your day perfect!

Oak Mountain