January Happenings
Our snowmaking crew has been busy, Kunjamuk has a ton of snow made on it and Matt will be pushing it out for it to be ready for the weekend. Hope you are all ready for some corduroy.
We are excited to welcome back Doug Lewis on Saturday from 8:30am to 3pm with the Olympian Doug Lewis Race Camp . It is open to all ADK Council Athletes. The day will include Skills Areas, Participate in a Fun Dual Race and get the chance to race Doug and much more. It is certainly going to be a fun day! Cost $30 includes clinic and ticket.
Thursday Night Skiing 4pm -7pm
Friday - Sunday 9am - 4pm
Snow Tubing
Saturday & Sunday 9:15am - 4pm
We hope to see you soon,
The O'Briens

Make it easy on yourself! and avoid any lines. Buy you tickets NOW!

Stay For Dinner
What could be better than a great day of skiing? Staying for Aprés ski! Joins us at The Acorn Pub & Eatery for some Aprés fun and enjoy the music of Tim Rodrigue and Norm Allen from 2pm -5pm. They are a duo with more than 60 years combined experience performing. Tim plays lead guitar and mandolin, while Norm plays guitar and is the lead singer. They play a little of everything from old and new country, blues, bluegrass, and rock. It's a great time to gather with friends and family, and there are numerous options for the hungry skier. Check out the MENU! See you there!
Thursday: Mex-Econo Night 4pm - 8pm
Friday: 11am - 8pm
Saturday: 11am - 8pm
Sunday: 11am - 4pm

Lift Safety Tips
- Be familiar with the type of lift you are riding, and ask for help if you need it.
- Before loading, remove backpacks and secure loose items. Remove pole straps from wrists.
- Look over your shoulder to watch the chair approach.
- Sit all the way in the chair, with your back to the seat rest.
- If the lift has a restraint bar, wait until everyone is seated, and slowly reach up and lower the bar. Do not attempt to lower the bar if you cannot reach it! Adults should always help kids to lower the bar.
- Be aware of your surroundings while riding the lift. If you drop something, let it fall! You can always ask a ski patrol for help retrieving the lost item.
- As you approach the top terminal, prepare to raise the bar. Look for signs advising you to do so to help with your timing.

Did you learn to ski at Oak Mountain? Amelia Germain from Piseco learned to ski here when she was one year old. She’s been skiing at the mountain ever since. Do you have any memories or photos you would like to share? We would love to see them! Feel Free to email the to Laura@oakmountainski.com Thank you all for sharing your memories with us, it's been so fun to see!
Lessons Anyone?Whether you are a first-timer or in need of a refresher, Oak Mountain’s Ski & Snowboard School will help you understand why our instructors love this sport. We will help you build confidence and skills to have the best day on snow! From our beginner hill, terrain park, blue cruisers, black diamonds and glade trails; you are sure to experience it.
Oak Mountain